Whispering Cat Photography

by David Millier

Battersea power station 2024
Battersea power station 2024
A lot of development outside and in has happened in the last year. With the xmas decorations in place, the interior galleries are so cluttered, a clean shot is not possible!
Todmorden and the Calderdale valley, Yorkshire 2024
Todmorden and the Calderdale valley, Yorkshire 2024
A weekend exploring the Calderdale area.
Oxford 2024
Oxford 2024
An afternoon wandering around Oxford during a visit to my daughter at Uni.
Kent, 2024
Kent, 2024
Pictures shot around my local county of Kent in 2024.
Multiple exposure abstracts, London 2024
Multiple exposure abstracts, London 2024
A series of images made from multiple images, some combined in post, some made by abusing the in-camera pixel shift mechanism as a multi-exposure technique (it doesn't seem to make any difference to the result which method is used).
Harbours of South East England
Harbours of South East England
A set of images shot at ports and harbours in SE England stretching from Whitstable in Kent to Littlehampton in Sussex.
South of France 2024
South of France 2024
Two week trip to the south of France based in Tourouzelle in the Aude department.
Night shots, London 2024
Night shots, London 2024
Some nighttime photography around the Euston/Marylebone area of London.
Birds of prey
Birds of prey
Loch Lomond Centre
Somewhere in Scotland
Amsterdam 2022
Amsterdam 2022
A long weekend in Amsterdam
Amsterdam Infra-red
Amsterdam Infra-red
Amsterdam through my 720nm B&W converted Fuji X-T1
King's Lynn 2022
King's Lynn 2022
King's Lynn town and power boating
Infra-red experiments
Infra-red experiments
First experiments with my Fuji X-T1 converted to infrared with a 720nm B&W filter
Long exposure work
Long exposure work
Long exposure photography uses long shutter speeds (usually in excess of 1 second, often several minutes) to smear out motion over time to create a more abstract look.
Round towered churches of Norfolk Part 1
Round towered churches of Norfolk Part 1
The county of Norfolk is home to around 120 of the 200 or so known round tower churches. Dated variously from late Saxon to early Conquest periods, these are found almost exclusively in the East Anglia region. This gallery is part of a long term project to photograph them all with a black & white infrared camera for an unusual take on these quirky churches.
Round tower churches of Sussex IR
Round tower churches of Sussex IR
B&W infrared images of the 3 round tower churches in Sussex at Piddinghoe, Southease and Lewes.
Bronte country
Bronte country
It may have been mid-October, but it was more mid-summer than wuthering heights. A quick glance at Flickr suggested Bronte country was hard to photograph well, and so it proved. Some stormy weather might have helped, but it was not to be. These are shot with a Fuji GFX50s medium format digital camera.
Round tower churches of Essex
Round tower churches of Essex
B&W infrared images of the round tower churches in Essex at South Ockendon, Broomfield (under repair), Great Leighs, Bardfield Saling.
Romney Marsh and Dungeness
Romney Marsh and Dungeness
The day started foggy but my moody winter marshland trip was sabotaged by blue skies and sunshine. Still an enjoyable day, not least finding myself in an army firing range! I survived.
Long exposures (which I arbitrarily define as shutter speeds longer than 1 second) provide a different view of the world from conventional photography. Moving subjects are integrated over time with detail and sharp edges smeared away. Very long exposures can make anything that moves disappear from the image. Gives a very abstract look.
Near infrared light lies just beyond the longest wavelengths we can see with the naked eye, but the camera sensor can see them!. My camera has been converted to block most visible light and work mostly with the near infrared. I prefer IR converted to B&W rather than false colour which I find a little gimmicky.
Reflections in water, glass and metal given the abstract treatment.
Subject movement and slow shutter speeds to give a more abstract look to subjects spread out over time.
Discovered a liking for the abstracts shapes of tents and made a long term project of it!
Abstracts colour I
Abstracts colour I
Colour abstracts, patterns, curves, lines, graphics
Black & white abstracts, repeating patterns, curves, lines, graphics, tones - the power of silver!
Non-portraits featuring people
Non-portraits featuring people
People as secondary or supporting subjects or as a focal point in a wider composition.
Images where a shallow depth of field plays a significant part in the composition.
Architecture with an abstract slant
Isle of Dogs 2023
Isle of Dogs 2023
A couple of productive hours wandering the docklands redevelopment on the Isle of Dogs, London with my Lumix G9 and superzoom and Sony A7Rii with a Pentax 645 35mm lens mounted on a shift adaptor to practise handheld perspective correction.
Day trip to Oxford.